Flowbite Svelte: v0.46.14
Svelte: v5.0.0-next.179
SvelteKit: v2.5.18
Vite: v5.3.3

Search input

The search input component can be used to let your users search through your website using string queries and it comes in multiple styles, variants, and sizes built with the utility classes from Tailwind CSS. You will also find more advanced search components on this page including dropdown category selections, search buttons positioned inside the input field, voice search fields and more.

Search bar example

Simple search input

Use the simplest form of a search input component with an icon and a search button next to the text field.

Search with dropdown

Use this search component with a dropdown to let your users select a category in which they would like the search query to be targeted in.

Location search

Use this example where you can select a country in which you want to search for an address or city.

Voice Search

Get started with this example if you would like to enable voice search for your website and users.


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