Flowbite Svelte: v0.46.14
Svelte: v5.0.0-next.179
SvelteKit: v2.5.18
Vite: v5.3.3
Flowbite Svelte Check for Svelte 5 Legacy mode (No Runes)
- # of pages - 39
- # of pages checked - 39
- # of pages unchecked - 0
- # of pages without problems - 38
- # of pages with problems - 1
- # of pages - 10
- # of pages checked - 10
- # of pages unchecked - 0
- # of pages without problems - 9
- # of pages with problems - 1
- # of pages - 8
- # of pages checked - 8
- # of pages unchecked - 0
- # of pages without problems - 8
- # of pages with problems - 0
- accordion
- alert
- avatar
- badge
- banner
- bottomNavigation
- breadcrumb
- buttonGroup
- buttons
- cards
- carousel
- darkmode
- deviceMockups
- drawer
- dropdown
- footer
- forms
- gallery
- indicators
- kbd
- listGroup
- megaMenu
- modal
- navbar (Mobile size menu transition jerks. See Svelte coverage report at https://svelte-5-preview.vercel.app/coverage/src/transition/index.html)
- pagination
- popover
- progress
- rating
- sidebar
- skeleton
- spinner
- speedDial
- table
- tabs
- timeline
- toast
- tooltip
- typography
- video
- checkbox
- fileInput
- floatingLabel
- inputField (Dropzone click and select a file does not show file name.)
- radio
- range
- searchInput
- select
- textarea
- toggle